Visit the famous Chinhoyi Caves

The Chinhoyi Caves are located about 5 kilometers from Zebras Dazzle B&B, Chinhoyi, in the Mashonaland West province in Zimbabwe.
The site is approximately 8 hectares in size.  The Caves consist of a system of tunnels and caverns and are the most extensive cave system in Zimbabwe that the public can access. The cave has a “Wonder Hole”, which is the main feature and is in fact a “Swallow Hole” or a large cavern with a collapsed roof. The walls or sides of the Wonder Hole drop vertically down for approximately 150 feet to the Sleeping Pool. The water in the Sleeping Pool remains at a constant 22 degrees Celsius throughout the year. It is
so phenomenally clear that silver-hued fish and underwater rock formations can be seen many meters below the surface.

The cave system is composed of limestone and dolomite. The surrounding area is mainly calcareous rocks, on sandy loam soils, with a vegetation dominated by Brachystegia and Julbernardia species. The Chinhoyi Caves flora is made up largely of indigenous species and a few exotics. They include:Mukwa (Pterocarpus angolensis), Cape Fig (Ficus
sur.), Combretum species, Terminalia species, Msasa(Brachystegia spiciformis), Violet tree (Securidacalongepedunculata), Yellow wood (Podocarpus
latifolius) and Pink Jacaranda.